Issue with purchase / download

Hi. Recently I am trying to download the linear algebra note but failed.
Payment method: paypal

After clicking purchase, the website turned back to the homepage with this showing on the top:
error: exec script failed: Variable not found: prod (line 5, position 6)

There was no purchase history found, and the product quantity stayed the same (which meant the “purchase” wasn’t made).

Thanks, if you can see this post. And I appreciate that.

Hi there, the issue should now be resolved.

If you had any questions, please reply to this thread and we are happy to help.

Hi there. I tried again and the purchase was still not working.

Here is the new issue:
error: exec script failed: Function not found: get_id (sails_db::products::ProductInfo) (line 5, position 14)


I have temporarily fixed it. It should work fine if you don’t want to purchase FLibrary Pass. If you would like to, please reply.